"Astral travel or astral projection, abbreviated OBE (out-of-body-experience), means travelling through subtle planes. It does not really matter if it is doubted that this possibility exists – what is important is that these experiences are highly exciting and allow us to grow inside as a person. With a perceptible and visible body, we experience an unknown environment that seems to be as real as the physical world. Sometimes we are even more awake and we experience everything with more intensity than in everyday life. We step into a world full of wonder and beauty. In this, we are not simply passive observers, but instead we are able to knock on someone’s door, to go in and speak with the people who live there.Through astral travel, my inner life has been enriched enormously. In repeated experiences on the astral plane, encounters with deceased and highly evolved beings, I could strengthen my own belief in a world beyond and in afterlife. Life has gained a deeper meaning – it is not only for short-lived pleasure and fun. Instead, higher goals are pursued, and it becomes possible to evolve as a person."
This book presents and explains different phenomena and methods of astral travelling. It also contains considerations on lucid dreaming vs. astral travelling. People who are studying the phenomena of astral travelling will find plenty of information here.