Business Strategy is becoming increasingly 'pluralist', drawing on the insights of different disciplines, and business practice in different parts of the world. This book brings together the work and ideas of leading international scholars working in the field under three main headings Technology, Strategy and Organization, and Regions. The purpose of the book is to explore from different perspectives the dynamic interplay between the technology of a firm; its strategies; organizational choices; and issues of place, region, and location. The contributors are Peter Hagström, Alfred Chandler, Takahiro Fujimoto, Richard Nelson, Nathan Rosenberg, Erik von Hippel, Cristiano Antonelli, Giovanni Dosi, Benjamin Coriat, David Teece, Gunnar Hedlund, Pari Patel, Keith Pavitt, Ikujiro Nonaka, Hirotaka Takeuchi, Lars-Gunnar Mattsson, John Cantwell, John Dunning, Michael Enright, Masahisa Fujita, Ryoichi Ishii, Allen Scott, Orjan Solvell, Ivo Zander, J-C Spender, and Michael Porter. Together they address the challenge of explaining the long-run competitiveness of firms in an ever more global world. This book will be a benchmark for anybody wanting to keep abreast of leading edge strategic thinking.