Warning: This ebook contains explicit sex including domination, submission, spanking, and more. Only mature adults who won’t find this kind of content offensive should read this ebook.
Here is a preview from Part One:
She had many slaves come and go through out these years, and each one had a special place in her heart. They were almost like her children…almost.
Chloe sat alone in her room. Her thoughts were focused on one thing and one thing only; she desired to have the perfect male slave. She had grown weary of the constant training and wanted to find one that knew the rules and the ropes. She did enjoy the training, but it was time consuming. The months she would put in were well worth it, but her days of being a teacher were now over. She laid down on her king sized bed and began to put a plan together. Traveling wouldn’t be an issue; she had villas and flats all over the world along with an endless amount of money. She wanted to have a full time live in slave that would cater to her most sadistic sexual desires and love each and every moment that they had with her, she would settle for nothing less than one hundred percent devotion. The first thing she would do is find a starting point, being as impulsive as she was; she decided to start in Eastern Europe. The clubs there were always intense, and who knows, maybe she would get lucky on the first try. She laughed as soon as that thought left her head, she knew better, a good trained slave would be hard to find, but searching for him would be an adventure none the less.