Emily Pennington
Charles Lindsay, the Earl of Coventry, was looking over a building he thought would be ideal for a secret gentleman’s club. He negotiated with the solicitor, careful not to show that he really wanted the property. By instead showing a lack of interest or a concern that there was much work that would need to be done, he was negotiating a better price for himself. The solicitor agreed and was authorized to make the sale. Smiling, Charles headed home. He had an appointment to meet George, the Earl of Harrington, later so they could plan the development and reconstruction of the townhouse together. Charles wanted George to be the head of the club and, to avoid men cheating on their wives and bringing mistresses there, he made the first rule that only the club’s leader could be married. By the time George left, they had all of the rules of the club written. It was only a matter of time until it became a reality! Lady Abigail Wallace was not pleased to be in London for a Season; she would much rather have stayed home in Scotland instead and found a good Scottish Laird as a husband. Her father seemed to identify more with the English, however, even though none of these gentlemen appealed to her. Even in temperament, she took after her father rather than her English-born mother. There was a commotion in the ballroom as someone most likely important arrived. The Earl and Countess of Harrington were announced, and behind them was a handsome man that all the ladies couldn’t take their eyes off. Some were almost squealing! When Abigail’s sister was asked to dance, Abigail decided to go to the library and perhaps read a book. She didn’t notice Charles coming in behind her, as he was looking for a gentleman he wanted to invite to his club to see if he could help him get over the death of his wife that drove him to drink. Instead of the lovely woman falling all over him, as he was used to, she practically ignored him and wouldn’t give her name since she intended to return to Scotland and had no interest in knowing him! He wasn’t used to being so ignored and found himself intrigued enough that he intended to learn her name and more about her. Walking with her sister, maid and footman, the ladies met with Lady Marvelle and were having a friendly talk. Charles and George were riding and Charles asked if George knew the redhead’s name. He said it was easy to find out – Lady Marvelle was Charles’ godmother and could introduce them! When Lady Marvelle had to leave for tea, a comment Abigail made -- about no gentleman being interested in her and regardless she wouldn’t let herself be attracted -- got Charles’ attention. He tried to make a wager with her that he could entice her to experience desire with him. She tried very hard to distract him from charming her as he was! He was far too tempting! And her insults toward him only made him chuckle. His comments toward her had been rude and suggestive – but she found that she had liked it! What was happening to her? He likewise couldn’t get her off his mind. Although he would not court her, he assured himself, he would be seeing much more of the intelligent, sharp-tongued woman! This book is a prequel to “When an Earl turns Wicked”, and I loved it! Both main characters were strong and intelligent. Neither backed down from the other. Abigail did not want to be someone’s property, but to be respected and allowed to learn and be true to herself. Charles wanted to share his life with someone he could respect and admire. Grab your copy and see whether the two will come to the realization that just maybe they have found the one fate intended for them all along!