Too Much Invested to Quit focuses on the applications of paradigms in the resolution of international relations, taking as backdrop issues in marriage, labor disputes, and price wars. The manuscript first offers information on the dollar auction game, a simple game that can be employed in large groups or in laboratory situations. Studies on economic and interpersonal motives when bidding against a deck of cards; sex differences and effects of team bidding; and effects of experience on the length of auction are discussed. The text also focuses on the stages of escalation and physiological and personality correlates of escalation. Topics include effects of resources on the length of auction; physiology as a dependent measure; physiology as an independent manipulation; and personality and the dollar auction. The publication explains the dollar auction and study of conflict escalation, as well as study and theories of escalation; the dollar auction and the Vietnam War; limit setting in warfare; and price warfare. The book also takes a look at real life and the dollar auction. Considerations include generalized dollar auction game and industrial bargaining, strikes, work stoppages, and divorce. The manuscript is a dependable source of reference for readers interested in the use of paradigms in the resolution of international relations.