Allison M. Johnston is an ordinary person with an extraordinary talent for bringing poetry and short stories to life through her endless imagination and love for creating thought-provoking inspiration. Allison’s passion for writing is demonstrated through the countless experiences she has documented through a maze of test and trials she has risen above and now shares with her readers. As an author of many poems and short stories she has written throughout the years, this one thing is evident: the words “never give up” come to mind when one embraces the message each poem and short story conveys. Allison was diagnosed over a decade ago with PTSD. With the constant love and support over the years of close family and friends, she was able to overcome hopelessness, anxiety, and depression. Allison has found purpose despite her pain. Her mission has now become to be relevant despite the blows life has thrown her way. She believes the power through her words and imagination are fueled by her relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ. Allison believes as an author/writer, she is a blank canvas that the Holy Spirit uses to help those who need encouragement. She hopes to be that someone who is able to penetrate the darkness of the mind and soul of the hurting, like she once was. She prays that her poems and short stories open up a new dimension of grace to you the reader as you journey from cover to cover.