Kristen Riffle is a Navy spouse of fifteen years, currently living the good life in Oslo, Norway, with her husband and all they’ve picked up along the way: four kids, a corgi, and an enormous Norwegian Forest cat.
Allison Wood is a mother of four, a marketing specialist, and was an Army spouse for seven years. Born into a military family, she has a lifetime of experience adjusting to new environments, seeking new opportunities, and making new friends.
Tracey Enerson Wood worked as a registered nurse, started her own interior design company, raised two children, and bounced around the world as a military wife. She has authored magazine columns and other nonfiction, wrote and directed plays of all lengths. Her co-authored anthology/cookbook Homefront Cooking: Recipes, Wit, and Wisdom from American Veterans and their Loved Ones, was released by Skyhorse Publishing in May, 2018. All authors’ profits are donated to organizations that support veterans. Her critically acclaimed debut novel, The Engineer’s Wife, was released by Sourcebooks in April, 2020.
Kaitlin Walsh, a former Air Force spouse, is now an independent artist specializing in abstract anatomy watercolors. From a young age, she exhibited an immense fascination with both art and science. She focused her studies on both disciplines, taking medical courses alongside fine art ones. Kaitlin feels incredibly lucky to find success doing what she loves while getting to spend time with her family