क्या यह महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है कि आप अपनी युवा संतान को उन विशेषताओं से परिचित कराएं? यह उन्हें विचारों की स्पष्टता प्रदान करेगा और सफलता के लिए उन विशेषताओं को विकसित करने में मदद करेगा, न केवल निश्चित रूप से, बल्कि जीवन में सही समय पर भी, यानि कि वक़्त रहते।
हम सभी जानते हैं कि कुछ छात्र परीक्षाओं में उच्च अंक प्राप्त करने और शानदार अकादमिक करियर बनाने के बावजूद, औसत से भी कम या औसत प्रदर्शन करते हैं, और कुछ दूसरे उदाहरण हैं जो अकादमिक करियर में हल्का करने पर भी जीवन में अधिक सफल होते हैं। तो क्या है जो उन्हें असाधारण रूप से सफल बनाता है? यह सिर्फ परीक्षाओं में प्रदर्शन से कुछ अधिक है। आखिर ये क्या विशेषताएं हैं?
इन विशेषताओं को सॉफ्ट स्किल्स के रूप में जाना जाता है या जिसे हम कभी-कभी जीवन कौशल के रूप में संदर्भित करते हैं। लेकिन क्या सफलता पाने के लिए सभी जीवन कौशल समान रूप से महत्वपूर्ण हैं? हरगिज नहीं! कुछ ऐसे जीवन कौशल हैं जो हमारे जीवन में व्यक्तिगत, सामाजिक और पेशेवर डोमेन में सभी दौर की सफलता प्राप्त करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं। इसे हमने "PersonalPower” कौशल का नाम दिया है।
इन कौशल के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए इच्छुक हैं? इन कौशलों से परिचित होने के लिए अनुकूल वातावरण कैसे मिले इसके लिए संपर्क करें।
Alok is a mining professional who has worked extensively in many countries in the mining industry and has travelled globally. He has worked at all management levels including at the top in the second half of his career. He now works as a consultant & an internationally certified life coach (Registration number – 19581) focusing mainly on parenting, relationships and matters related to adolescence.
Throughout the career, he has, on multiple occasions, assembled, mentored, and led teams from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures. The one common goal that all teams were inspired to, and achieved with him was working as a unit, irrespective of the trials & tribulations of challenging business environments, the natural & professional conflicts, and differences of opinions.
The concept of PersonalPower skills as an idea has taken about 2 years in developing from its initial conceptualization stage. He has worked on this single-mindedly devising and improving upon slowly, before it took it’s current shape. Alok has been coaching youngsters individually for the past 3 years with the mission to bring about transformational changes in their lives.
Key Contributor:
Manish is a youngster who has been working with IT MNCs contributing to their business growth through project execution using digital technologies. He delivers through project consultation, risk-free approach, team motivation, project planning, and related managerial techniques. He is also a Black Belt Karate athlete who held a World Record of Crushing Beer Cans!!!
He has an aspiration to work on his personal mission of a “Successful India”, inspired by a series of many initiatives by the union government to encourage entrepreneurial spirit among youngsters in the country. Being one of them, he believes in the potential of today’s youngsters, and at the same time, realizes the missing element of proper mentoring in many of their lives. With that in mind, he has promoted this platform in collaboration.
Having met Alok he realized the synergy of his vision for the future of the country’s youth and Alok’s passion to work with youngsters. He then decided to collaborate by offering to work on a voluntary basis to expand the reach of Alok’s ideas through digital technology. He has dedicated his efforts to work on the mission of PersonalPower reaching out to youngsters for them to recognize & develop the skills required for all round success in life.