About Charlotte: Romance is alive and well in the City of Dreams and Charlotte O'Shay knows every spicy tale. Born and raised in NYC, Charlotte's always walking, subwaying, driving or around the city, the country and beyond...but NYC will always be her inspiration.Charlotte lives with her suit and tie wearing corporate warrior and their last child, a black dog who thinks he's a bear, just three subway stops from where she grew up. She loves walking along the Hudson riverfront where the wind and the water serve up fresh story ideas every day. Kick back and savor the stories of NYC's broody, alpha heroes and the women who melt their hearts. If you enjoy Charlotte's books, PLEASE CONSIDER POSTING A REVIEW. REVIEWS ARE LIKE OXYGEN TO AUTHORS! Thanks! www.charlotteoshayauthor.com For the latest on sales, giveaways & new releases sign up at http://eepurl.com/b4LBvn