Ana Rodas is a Lecturer in Criminology and Policing at Western Sydney University.
Melanie Simpson is a Project Officer at the NSW Department of Justice.
Paddy Rawlinson is an Associate Professor in Criminology at Western Sydney University.
Ronald Kramer is Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Auckland.
Emma Ryan is a Lecturer in Criminology at Deakin University.
Emmeline Taylor is Reader in Criminology at the City, University of London.
Reece Walters is Professor of Criminology at Deakin University.
Alan Beckley is Adjunct Research Fellow at the School of Social Sciences & Psychology, Western Sydney University.
Chris Cunneen is a Professor in Criminology at the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research, University of Technology Sydney.
Ashlee Gore is a Lecturer in Criminology at Western Sydney University.
Amanda Porter is a Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne.
Scott Poynting is Adjunct Professor in the School of Social Sciences and Psychology at Western Sydney University and the School of Justice at Queensland University of Technology.