Anatoly A. Gurchenkov, Doctor of Science (in physics and mathematics), Leading Researcher at the Department of Complex Systems, Computer Center, Russian Academy of Sciences and Professor at the Russian State Technological University (MATI). A well-known specialist in stability and control of rotating dynamic systems with a fluid-filled cavity. Author of more than 100 papers published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, “Fizmatlit’’ and other publishing houses, including four monographs; author of two patents. Mikhail V. Nosov, Candidate of Science (in physics and mathematics), Senior Researcher at the Department of Complex Systems, Computer Center, Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of more than 25 papers published by the Russian Academy of Sciences and other publishing houses. Teaches courses in programming, computer science, and theory of relational databases at the Russian State Technological University (MATI). Vladimir I. Tsurkov, Doctor of Science (in physics and mathematics), Head of the Department of Complex Systems Computer Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Member of the Institute for Management Sciences and Operations Research (USA), Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. One of the leading experts in aggregation-based decomposition methods and a well-known specialist in analysis of numerical methods related to operation research models, in large-scale hierarchical optimization and control, and in catastrophe theory. Author of more than 180 papers published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, “Fizmatlit and other publishing houses (in particular, Kluwer), including six monographs.