Thousands have already been encouraged by this man's inspiring story.
"It was the worst imaginable nightmare. In the midst of total darkness, I was searching for those most precious to me. . . . I struggled to maintain my footing on icy pavement. I was enveloped in darkness and the only sound was the wind, howling as if someone had turned on the sound track to a horror movie."
Andre Thornton's nightmare turned out to be reality. On an icy turnpike, his van lay overturned with his wife and two children trapped inside. An hour later, he learned the awful news. "It was as if a limb had been cruelly amputated from my body."
Where does a man go when those, whom he loves the dearest, are suddenly, without warning, wrenched from his life? For Andre Thornton, there was only one place to go. Years spent nurturing and developing a relationship with God were his sole of strength.
Could God heal such agonizing pain?
Could He put the pieces of Andre's life back together?
Could any good come from such a devastating loss?
In the following weeks and months, Andre Thornton found answers to those questions and discovered God's incredible power to heal even the most agonizing hurt. He learned that he could, indeed, experience Triumph Born of Tragedy.