The recent years have been characterized by stormy social protests throughout the world. These protests have some commonalities, but at the same time, their sociopolitical, psychological, and economic contexts differ essentially. An important class of such protests is known as color revolutions. The analysis of these events in social and political literature is characterized by huge diversity of opinions. We remark that the sociopolitical perturbations under consideration are characterized by the cascade dynamics leading to the exponential amplification of coherent social actions. In quantum physics, such exponential and coherent amplification is the basic feature of laser’s functioning. (“Laser” is acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). In this book we explore the theory of laser to model aforementioned waves of social protests, from color revolutions to Brexit and Trump’s election. We call such social processes Stimulated Amplification of Social Actions (SASA), but to keep closer to the analogy with physics we merely operate with the term “social laser.”