A Google user
I give this book 5 stars for its great suspense and its being emotionally touching to the reader. It is amazingly written, corresponding with "Things Not Seen" beautifully. Just one thing, YOU WILL NOT ENJOY THIS BOOK IF YOU HAVEN'T READ "THINGS NOT SEEN"! Things Hoped for is indeed a sequel to that book and if you have a hard time enjoying this one, you probably never read Clements first book in this line. Yes yes, the first 50 pages drag, because Robert (aka Bobby in Things Not Seen) did not return. But if you push on, the book gets more emotional and truths about life are revealed like you've never seen before. Clements looks at reality and puts things like music, friendship, and love and makes them so you understand them like you never saw them before. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has read "Things Not Seen"