Andrew Lang is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the London School of Economics, teaching Public International Law, with a specialty in International Economic Law. He is a co-founder, with Colin Picker, of the Society of International Economic Law. He sits on the Editorial Boards of the Modern Law Review, the Journal of International Economic Law and the Law and Development Review, and is a Book Review Editor for the International and Comparative Law Quarterly. He has taught on the World Trade Institute's Masters of International Law and Economics (MILE) program, the University of Barcelona's IELPO course, as well as the IIEM Academy of International Trade Law in Macau. Andrew has a combined BA/ LLB degree from the University of Sydney, receiving the University Medal in both degrees. His PhD is from the University of Cambridge, graduating in May 2005. From 2004-2006, he was the Gott Research Fellow in Law at Trinity Hall, at the University of Cambridge.