My name is Andrew Simpson, and I was the reason for that phone call. At the age of eighteen, I suffered from a traumatic brain injury that left me in a coma for eighteen days. This book is an account not only from myself but from the people that supported me throughout this life-changing ordeal. It speaks to the faith that my family found in God.
The morning of the accident is recalled through multiple family members and what they experienced, as well as their unshakeable faith that I would live. They also recount all the hardships that I went through once I was in recovery and how the brain injury has impacted my life more than ten years later. I recount my experiences of not only my first memory coming out of the coma but also the ups and downs of recovery and my life after. I had to learn how to cope with the lifelong side effects that my actions caused, but in those hardships, I found a lifelong faith in God.