Shivaji Va Suraj is an inspiring biography that delves into the life of Shivaji, a legendary figure and warrior king of the Maratha Empire. Authored by Anil Madhav Dave, the book explores Shivaji's leadership qualities, bravery, strategic genius, military tactics, valor, and administrative prowess. Shivaji's remarkable achievements and visionary leadership make him an iconic figure in Indian history.
Immerse yourself in the inspiring biography of Shivaji, the legendary warrior king, in Shivaji Va Suraj by Anil Madhav Dave. Explore his leadership qualities, bravery, military tactics, and strategic genius that shaped the Maratha Empire. Witness the empowering journey of a cultural icon and visionary leader who built a nation, leaving a lasting impact on Indian history.
Shivaji Va Suraj, Maratha Empire, historical figure, warrior king, leadership qualities, bravery, strategic genius, military tactics, valor, administration, inspiring biography, Indian history, cultural icon, visionary leader, empowerment, nation-building, legendary ruler.
बड़नगर, उज्जैन में 1956 ई. विजयादशमी को जन्म। प्रारंभिक शिक्षा रेलवे में कार्यरत पिता के साथ गुजरात के विभिन्न अंचलों में। 1964 से रा.स्व. संघ के स्वयंसेवक। अनंतर इंदौर के गुजराती कॉलेज से एम.कॉम.। छात्र संघ अध्यक्ष। ग्राम्य अर्थव्यवस्था व प्रबंधन में विशेषज्ञता। शौकिया पायलट। कुछ आजमाइश नौकरी व उद्योग-धंधों में। जन अभियान परिषद् (स्वयंसेवी संगठनों के दर्शन और व्यवहार को क्रियारूप देने का प्रयास करनेवाली म.प्र. की संस्था) के रचनाकार। नर्मदा समग्र के संस्थापक। पर्यावरणविद्। स्फुट सामयिक निबंध व कविताएँ प्रकाशित। भारतीय लोक व शिष्ट परंपरा के अध्येता। मासिक ‘चरैवेति’ के पूर्व संपादक। संप्रति राज्यसभा सांसद।
Immerse yourself in the inspiring biography of Shivaji, the legendary warrior king, in Shivaji Va Suraj by Anil Madhav Dave. Explore his leadership qualities, bravery, military tactics, and strategic genius that shaped the Maratha Empire. Witness the empowering journey of a cultural icon and visionary leader who built a nation, leaving a lasting impact on Indian history.