Psalm 150 verse 6 declares, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord, praise ye the Lord.” Onyumalechi James, a.k.a. Sis Anna, is a proud native of the Island of Jamaica in the West Indies. She now resides in the United States of America. She is the very proud and blessed mom of three amazing children and countless spiritual children. Anna is a Spirit-filled woman of God who doesn’t make any apologies for being a Christian and a faithful follower of the Lord, baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Anna has been touched by the Holy Spirit to begin her journey as an author, and this is her first of a three-part series that she hopes will touch the audience of teens and young adults to recognize that the Lord will keep those whose mind is stayed on him and also delight thineself in the Lord. Inspired by the grace of God, she has accepted the call and is also in the process of releasing two other projects that are geared toward the younger audience, from toddlers to early teens. She believes that God has selected her based on her passion for writing at a very early age, and despite her many battles and longsuffering, she has emerged as a diamond in the rough. In closing, this woman of God would like to remind her supporters, families, and friend that delay is never denial, and also remember that Proverbs 3:5–6 say, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understranding: In thine thine ways acknowlege him, and he shall direct thy paths.”