She's grown up amidst heartache and tragedy. Happiness is finally tangible, unless her past catches up with her first...
Anne Baker writes a captivating saga in With a Little Luck, which follows a young woman as she unravels the secrets of past traumas, to shocking effect. Perfect for fans of Maureen Lee and Dilly Court.
Alice Luckett is only nine years old when her father, Len, commits suicide. Her mother disappeared several months before, so Alice goes to live with her grandparents, Edith and Monty. They love her dearly but are often too preoccupied to have time for poor Alice. Her only real pleasure comes from the hours she spends next door with Nell Ainslie and her handsome son Eric. Slowly but surely, Alice comes to terms with her loss. But when Uncle Frank gets involved in the bakery business where she works, a chilling memory from the night of Len's death comes back to haunt her. And a shocking revelation changes life for the whole family...
What readers are saying about With a Little Luck:
'I lost two days because I couldn't put the book down until I finished it. I have since read another of [Anne Baker's] books with the same results and I can't wait to read more'
'Five stars'