In snowy Whitby in 1897, dangerous secrets emerge from the dark...
A Christmas Homecoming is a Victorian tale of murder and intrigue during one snowy Christmas, from acclaimed author Anne Perry. Perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom and Sarah Perry.
'Perry's gift is that she can evoke a sense of place and time while still producing the thrills and chills expected of a modern-day mystery writer' - Orlando Sentinel
During a bitter snowstorm, a mysterious stranger descends on the Netheridges' country home in Whitby, where a group of renowned actors has gathered to prepare a Boxing Day production of Dracula. Amidst an atmosphere of competing theatrical egos and artistic disagreements, the unknown Mr Ballin is brutally murdered.
Determined to uncover the truth, but without help from the police who cannot reach the house through the snow, Caroline Fielding begins to investigate the circumstances surrounding the puzzling affair. Who was the victim? Was his appearance at the house as innocent and as circumstantial as he professed? And which of the guests knows more than they are letting on?
What readers are saying about A Christmas Homecoming:
'A good read by the fire on a cold dark night'
'Five stars'