"The Autobiography of a Flea" is an erotic novel first published in 1887. Although originally published anonymously, subsequent research has revealed that it was written by a London lawyer by the name of Stanislas de Rhodes. Narrated by a flea, the story concerns a pretty young girl named Bella who is taken advantage of sexually by a local priest, his colleagues, and her uncle. She is then manipulated into procuring her friend for the priests' and her own father's sexual enjoyment. "The Autobiography of a Flea" was turned into a pornographic film in 1976. This volume will appeal to fans of erotic fiction, and it is not to be missed by collectors of vintage literature of this ilk. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in a modern, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on the history of erotic literature.