The 59 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 84 submissions. EvoApplications 2018 combined research from 14 different domains: business analytics and finance (EvoBAFIN); computational biology (EvoBIO); communication networks and other parallel and distributed systems (EvoCOMNET); complex systems (EvoCOMPLEX); energy-related optimization (EvoENERGY); games and multi-agent systems (EvoGAMES); image analysis, signal processing and pattern recognition (EvoIASP); realworld industrial and commercial environments (EvoINDUSTRY); knowledge incorporation in evolutionary computation (EvoKNOW); continuous parameter optimization (EvoNUM); parallel architectures and distributed infrastructures (EvoPAR); evolutionary robotics (EvoROBOT); nature-inspired algorithms in software engineering and testing (EvoSET); and stochastic and dynamic environments (EvoSTOC).