"My Father's Betrayal," Part Two. The latest New Look saga has rocked Riverdale, with Veronica and her friends facing off against Mr. Lodge and his constituents as the teens try to keep a beloved nature preserve from becoming an industrial park! Petitions, posters, publicity, public meetings, it's all part of a multi-tiered strategy by the teens to bring the plight of the forest to the public. They even enlist a botany professor to join their protest! But when people on both sides of the issue debate, the problem is grayer than ever. Who will prevail? Can a compromise be reached before the trees all come down? It's the story you can't afford to miss, served up in the realistic art style that made Bad Boy Trouble, Matchmakers, and Breakup Blues some of the most talked-about Archie stories in recent years! PLUS: Other new and classic tales!