Francis Perea is a vocational education professor at Consejer├нa de Educaci├│n de la Junta de Andaluc├нa in Spain with more than 14 years of experience. He has specialized in system administration, web development, and content management systems. In his spare time, he works as a freelancer and collaborates, among others, with ├▒ multimedia, a little design studio in C├│rdoba, working as a system administrator and the main web developer. He has also collaborated as a technical reviewer on SketchUp 2014 for Architectural Visualization Second Edition, Arduino Home Automation Projects, and Internet of Things with the Arduino Y├║n, all by Packt Publishing. When not sitting in front of a computer or tinkering in his workshop, he can be found mountain biking, kite surfing, or working as a beekeeper, taking care of his hives in Axarqu├нa County, where he lives.