With remarkable lucidity, Aristotle tackles the question of the nature of happiness, and that of moral and intellectual virtues. He aims to prove that both are linked to and indivisible from one another—that virtuous behaviour is necessary if happiness is to be obtained—and from this he maps out the steps to follow and the requirements to achieve it. In short, 'The Nicomachean Ethics' sketches out a hierarchy of virtues to find the highest good a human can accomplish, which in turn will lead them to true happiness.
Aristotle (384–322 BC) is one of the most influential philosophers in history. His achievements and the breadth of his knowledge, though, do not stop at philosophy. He is also among the rare thinkers to have approached all the fields of knowledge he came across (biology, physics, metaphysics, logic, poetics, politics, rhetoric, ethics, economics) with success. Among his works, the most lauded are: "Metaphysics", "On the Soul" and "Poetics".