Note to the Reader This business plan is an informal plan. It is intended to present the information of an informal business project in the most professional way possible while respecting the simplicity inherent in the informal sector. It is analyzed in such a way as to bring out the strength of the promoter's vision but above all to have confidence in the initiative that is presented. The technical level is therefore lower, without, however, ignoring the essentials of presenting a business project. Indeed, the only missing element is the presentation of financial statements which would not only make the reading more difficult but also would not fit with the nature of informal projects which by definition respond to basic imperatives: to launch, in a simple way or under critical conditions, income generating activities (IGA). For entrepreneurs in the so-called "formal" sector, however, it constitutes a drafting structure that can be used as a source of inspiration, provided that the reflection is pushed to a satisfactory level of technical justification. In particular, by developing the financial aspects. Analysts are invited not to follow a classic reading routine but to use their wits to decode the information which, although informal in its presentation, aims to provide guarantees for an investment whose purpose is to be repaid in the long term. It is up to you to step out of your comfort zone knowing that the limits have been marked out here in the DNA of the model. Finally, this informal business plan is the ideal tool for any informal or ethnic entrepreneur wishing to begin the transition to the market economy by going through the exercise of rationalization and formalization of the business while keeping the informal philosophy characterized by the Faith in its destiny ...