In all power transmission elements shaft is almost use in every machine or in every mechanical system. Shaft is a rotating machine element, commonly in circular cross-section, is used to transmit power and rotational motion to other parts such as gears, pulleys, flywheels sprockets and clutches. Various elements, which are used to transmit power from the driving device (motor or engine) are mounted on the shaft with the help of keys. Design of shaft is very important part in mechanical design. In real life, the shaft is subjected to combined loading.
A shaft often fails due to the stress concentration in discontinuities areas resulting into large stress values. The most common discontinuities present in the shafts are grooves, slots, shoulders, fillets, holes, thread, etc. Due to presence of these geometrical discontinuities, the stresses are concentrated in discontinuities areas thereby reducing its strength.
In the present work, an effort is made to calculate the equivalent stresses and maximum shear stresses developed in shaft due to step and presence of keyways (either single or multiple). These stresses are determined analytically and using finite element analysis (FEA) subjected to combined loading. The modelling of shaft with single keyway (rectangular, square, tapered, semi-circular) is carried out using CREO software and FEA is carried out in ANSYS. Further, the stresses are also determined for shaft with double keyways (rectangular, semi-circular) and stepped shaft with single and double rectangular keyways. Symmetrical and non-symmetrical orientations of double keyways in shaft, is also modelled and analysed.
It is concluded that rectangular keyway in solid shaft is best among all the modelled and analyzed keyway in shaft as far as the concern of equivalent and shear stresses and in case of both rectangular and semi-circular keyways, double symmetrical keyways in solid shaft is more suitable than non-symmetrical keyways under combined loading conditions.
It is also concluded that double symmetrical keyways in stepped shaft is more suitable than non-symmetrical keyway under combined loading conditions due to less generation of stresses.