The 13 chapters in this book are divided into 3 parts (Functional coatings and adhesives; Engineering of nanosurfaces; High-tech surface, characterization and new applications) and are all written by worldwide subject matter specialists.
The book is written for readers from diverse backgrounds across chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering, medical science, environmental, bio- and nano- technologies and biomedical engineering. It offers a comprehensive view of cutting-edge research on surface engineering materials and their technological importance.Ashutosh Tiwari is Secretary General, International Association of Advanced Materials; Chairman and Managing Director of Tekidag AB (Innotech); Associate Professor and Group Leader, Smart Materials and Biodevices at the world premier Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre, IFM-Linköping University; Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Materials Letters; a materials chemist and docent in the Applied Physics with the specialization of Biosensors and Bioelectronics from Linköping University, Sweden. He has more than 100 peer-reviewed primary research publications in the field of materials science and nanotechnology and has edited/authored more than 35 books on advanced materials and technology. He is the founder member and chair of American, Asian, European and Advanced Materials World Congress, Smart Materials and Surfaces, Global & European Graphene Forum, International Conference on Smart Energy Technologies, International Conference on Material Science and Technology and World Technology Forum.
Rui Wang obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, China in 1996 and is now a full Professor at Shandong University. He has published more than 140 research papers and two books, together with 21 granted patents and 7 pending patents. His research areas encompass the overlapping fields of environmental engineering, chemical engineering, clean energy and materials science, with a strong emphasis on waste reclamation and reuse.
Bingqing Wei (B. Q. Wei) received his PhD degree in 1992 from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He is currently a tenured professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware, USA. Prof. Wei’s research interests lie in nanomaterials and their energy applications. He has published more than 240 scientific papers in refereed international journals and delivered 160 plus invited talks and seminars in academia and industry worldwide. His research work has been intensively cited more than 13,000 times by peer scientists with the h-index of 58. His research has also been recognized with many awards, including the most recent Advanced Materials Medal for Year 2015.