1. Maheshwar Sutras
2. Pratyahara
3. Place and Effort of Enunciation
4. Homogeneous Letters
5. Sandhi Rules
6. Tag Letters of Dhatus
and last but not the least
7. Knowing the FINAL Letter of each Dhatu and
8. Knowing the PENULTIMATE Letter of each Dhatu.
All of this has been lucidly explained and properly delved into, with a note on the Ashtadhyayi Sutras needed in deriving and conjugating Verbs. Dhatus have been listed in correct Panini order.
9. The Identical Roots across Conjugations have been properly Indexed.
10. Tag Letters of Roots have been Indexed based on each Tag Letter - Anubandha.
11. Internal Grouping of Roots has been given with Dhatu markers From - To.
12. KandvAdi Gana Roots have also been listed.
This makes the book unique and a useful text for students of Vyakarana at the College and University Level. It also serves the purpose of the Vedanta Learners, especially those wishing to become intimate with the Language.
This Vol3 is a companion to the Vol1 and Vol2 that give the 3x3 matrices of each Dhatu, but can be used independently as well.
Ashwini is with the Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ashram based in the Punjab.
He loves to practice Yoga, perform Homa, study Sanskrit,
and be at home.