At Any Price

· Reckless Falls Bók 6 · LuxLife Publishing
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Um þessa rafbók

I haven’t had a stroke of luck in my entire life.

I’m serious—not one single lucky day. Well, aside from the day my son was born pink and healthy and squalling at the Reckless Falls hospital. That was lucky.

Everything else? Disaster.

I’m a single mom trying to make things work, and the last thing I need is a man weighing me down. I don’t have time to run someone else’s life—I’m barely keeping up with my own.

All that changes the day I run into the billionaire, Jameson Tellar. Literally.

He thinks I’m his good luck charm and won’t let me leave his side.

And as for me?
I’ve fallen head over heels with the one man who will never stay in Reckless Falls.
It’s only a matter of time before he moves on, so I have a choice to make.
Let him go? 

Or hope that for once in my life, my luck holds out?

Um höfundinn

 Theresa Leigh is a romance author whose love of reading is so intense, she sometimes injures herself by walking around with her nose in a book. She loves writing stories that have you feeling every emotion... sometimes all on the same page. 

Theresa lives and writes in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York State (not the city) (that distinction is important to her), where she lives with her husband, twin sons and twin orange cats, Pumpkin and Jackie O’Lantern. When she's not writing or reading, she enjoys eating too much Thai food, walking around barefoot, and cooing baby talk at her cats. 

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