Atomic Many-Body Theory

· Springer Series in Chemical Physics Knjiga 13 · Springer Science & Business Media
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This book has developed through a series of lectures on atomic theory given these last eight years at Chalmers University of Technology and several oth er research centers. These courses were intended to make the basic elements of atomic theory available to experimentalists working with the hyperfine structure and the optical properties of atoms and to provide some insight into recent developments in the theory. The original intention of this book has gradually extended to include a wide range of topics. We have tried to provide a complete description of atomic theory, bridging the gap between introductory books on quantum mechanics - such as the book by Merzbacher, for instance - and present day research in the field. Our presentation is limited to static atomic prop erties, such as the effective electron-electron interaction, but the formalism can be extended without major difficulties to include dynamic properties, such as transition probabilities and dynamic polarizabilities.

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I. Lindgren, još djela

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