Azzam Taktak, BEng (Hons), PhD, DipStat, CEng, CSci, FIPEM is Consultant Clinical Scientist at the Royal Liverpool UniversityHospital and an Honorary Professor at the Universities of Liverpool and Manchester. He is a former Vice President of Engineering,CEng Registrar and a Director of the IPEM. He is a national assessor at the Association of Clinical Scientists and lead assessorat the National School for Healthcare Scientists. His main research interests are mathematical and statistical modelling and theuse of artificial intelligence and machine learning in medicine. To date, he has published more than 75 peer-reviewed articlesand edited 2 books. He has in the past led a European project on ocular oncology under the Biopattern Network of Excellence which was funded by the European Commission.
Paul Ganney, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, CSci, MIPEM, FIAP, 34 years, 5 jobs, 3 reorganisations, 2 city moves and a PhD later,Consultant Clinical Scientist Dr. Ganney is turning his attention more towards training the next generations of ComputerScientists, of trying to give them the platform, tools and experience they will need in order for Clinical Scientists and Engineers toalways make a positive difference through the software that they write. Paul is currently lecturing part-time at three Universitiesand has a wealth of experience both within the academic and practical hospital environments that he is keen to apply.
David Long, BEng (Hons), MSc, CEng, MIPEM, is a Clinical Engineer registered in the UK as a Clinical Scientist with the Healthand Care Professions Council. He has over 20 years multi-disciplinary NHS experience in the field of rehabilitation engineering,specialising in the provision of postural management and custom contoured seating. Being a Chartered Engineer as well asa qualified clinician, Dave is particularly able to apply biomechanical principles to the assessment process, and to advise andassist with the more technical aspects of the required equipment. He is employed by AJM Healthcare who deliver a numberof wheelchair services on behalf of the NHS. He also retains a contract with Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust wherehe teaches on the Oxford Brookes University accredited Postgraduate Certificate in Posture Management for People withComplex Disabilities.
Richard Axell, BEng (Hons), MSc, PhD, CSci, CEng, MIPEM, is a Principal Clinical Scientist and Chartered Engineer andjointly leads the Urodynamics Group at UCLH NHS Foundation Trust. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Queen SquareInstitute of Neurology, UCL, London. He is Vice President External of the IPEM. He is a HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical AcademicClinical Lectureship award holder. He is a specialist in clinical measurement with a focus on urodynamics and cardiovascularmeasurement. The UCLH Urodynamics group has a strong academic reputation working with the Female and FunctionalRestorative Urology group at UCLH and the Uro-Neurology group at Queen Square. He previously collaborated on thecardiothoracic heart transplant project that led to the first donation after circulatory death heart transplant in Europe. To date,he has published 18 peer-reviewed articles, 7 book chapters, and presented over 70 abstracts at national and internationalmeetings.