Embark on a thrilling voyage through the Age of Discovery with "The Age of Discovery: Navigating the World's Great Explorations." Delve into a pivotal era that reshaped our world as European powers sought new trade routes to the Orient. From the daring voyages across vast oceans to the conquests of distant lands, this book captures the essence of exploration. Follow in the footsteps of iconic figures like Christopher Columbus and Hernando Cortez as they navigated the unknown, driven by the pursuit of riches and empire. Through a blend of captivating primary sources and insightful analysis, uncover the profound impact of these expeditions on modern civilization. From the subjugation of native peoples to the acquisition of riches, witness the complexities of this transformative age. "The Age of Discovery" offers a compelling journey through history that illuminates the enduring legacy of exploration. Prepare to set sail on an unforgettable adventure into the heart of one of humanity's most fascinating epochs.