The Fall issue of Nectar of Nondual Truth is graced by articles from teachers and practitioners of the different religious traditions of the world, all offering knowledge and approbation of their especial path and ideal. And since application is more beneficial than approbation, the various verses and views expressed cogently herein should compel us to implement the important lessons and teachings into our everyday existence — not merely as transitory experiences, but as transforming transmission. As God exists both with eyes open and eyes closed, so too do all walks of life abound with the possibility of divine communion. As is said in our Vedanta tradition:
To Labor is to pray, to conquer is to renounce, to have and to hold is as stern a trust as to quit and to avoid. Life itself is religion. The farmyard and the field, the workshop, the study, the studio are as true and fit scenes for the meeting of God with man as the cell of a monk or the door of a temple. Art, science and religion are but three different ways of expressing a single truth.