Yashwant Kumar Parte obtained his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering in 2010 from Govt.Β Indira Gandhi Engg. College, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. Project Title: - βDESIGN OF BLIND STICK WITH VOICE PROCEESOR AND SENSORSβ. He completed Master of Engineering in Digital Communication in 2012 from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal (MANIT orΒ NIT Bhopal, NITB), Madhya Pradesh .Thesis Title:-βANALYSIS OF ALPHA STABLE CHANNEL CAPACITYβ Develop the Channel Capacity for the Alpha-Stable Channel both for the symmetric and skewed cases and provide numerical bounds using Blahut β Arimoto algorithm is used to calculate the channel capacity.
He Served RKDFCTR Gandhi Nagar Bhopal M.P. as an Assistant Professor from Aug. 2012 to July 2013.& AlsoΒ as a Lecturer in University Polytechnic RGPV Gandhi Nagar Bhopal M.P. from 06 Aug. 2013 to 31 Jan 2014.
He has also organized national workshops in area ofΒ Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering based.