Brian Johnson
After "Death of the Family" I was super excited to find out Snyder had written a followup. I have to say, I felt a little let down. I read it all pretty quickly and didn't find it bad, per se, but I did feel like the Batman and Joker characters were vastly different from what we've seen prevously in Snyder's Universe. Which, I guess, is a bit of the point. And honestly, I wasn't really in love with the story being told. I just feel like it could've been so much better.
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fred dagar
The entire line of Batman since the kick off of the New 52 is what was right about DC. Most might hate the 52 Relaunch, view it as a money grab from the unenlightened but this work is the tip of the spear of what is right and how it can and should be done. Flagship title for the flagship character.
46 people found this review helpful
My first comic in a long time. I didn't like how quickly things moved, he leaps of logic and convenient plot articles... I know it's a comic book, but really, I need more believability and at least some semblance of sense to enjoy it.
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