Batman/Superman: Game Over

· Batman/Superman अंक 2, #1-21 · DC Comics
131 समीक्षाएं
बुलबुलों में कॉमिक्स
रेटिंग और समीक्षाओं की पुष्टि नहीं हुई है  ज़्यादा जानें

इस ई-बुक के बारे में जानकारी

The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel uncover a plot by the Toymaster to use a secret, potentially deadly element in his new video game, the characters created by players manifest in real life. The ultimate fighting game results--and a world-wide network of players must team up to create the most powerful, skilled Super Heroes imaginable with one goal: To kill Batman. When Batman and Superman are corned by the Toymaster and Mongul, they are pitted against on another in a battle to the death, with their only hope being the The Worlds' Finest. Collects BATMAN/SUPERMAN #5-9, BATMAN/SUPERMAN ANNUAL #1, WORLDS' FINEST #20-21.

रेटिंग और समीक्षाएं

131 समीक्षाएं

लेखक के बारे में

Greg Pak is an American film director/comic book writer, known for his work on books published by Marvel Comics, which include "Incredible Hercules," "Incredible Hulk," the crossover event "World War Hulk," and more. He is a graduate of Yale University, where he was a member of the Purple Crayon improv group, and studied history at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and studied film at New York University. His student film, "Fighting Grandpa," won the Gold Medal at the 25th Student Academy Awards. He is currently set to write the ongoing series BATMAN/SUPERMAN for DC Comics.

इस ई-बुक को रेटिंग दें

हमें अपनी राय बताएं.

पठन जानकारी

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