Three girls' lives will be changed forever by the advent of war...
In 1940, as bombs fall on Britain, three young evacuees from Newcastle must leave behind everything they know to find a new life, in Benita Brown's moving saga Counting the Days. Perfect for fans of Rita Bradshaw and Dilly Court.
After the fall of France, three young evacuees from the east end of Newcastle are sent to the safety of a country village. Billeted in a grand house with a spinster and her niece, Hazel, Irene and Carol's futures will be irrevocably changed by their new lives.
When peace is declared, and Hazel and Irene return to the families they were forced to leave, they find Newcastle very different to the home they remembered. Mourning the people they love, they try to start again. But when they're invited back to celebrate the Coronation of young Queen Elizabeth, they must find a way to come to terms with the past...
What readers are saying about Counting the Days:
'A really enjoyable read that kept me interested throughout'
'I loved this book, a great storyline'
'Five stars'