Through everything, the bond of friendship remains true...
In Love and Friendship is a moving story of friendship, loyalty and betrayal from hugely popular saga author Benita Brown. Perfect for fans of Lyn Andrews and Dilly Court.
'This is a delightful, carefully interwoven story of passion, love, loss and the power of friendship - a rollercoaster ride of emotions' - Sunderland Echo
Newcastle, 1890. A school outing to Cullercoats Bay almost ends in tragedy when two girls are cut off by the incoming tide. But from the panic and confusion something wonderful emerges - a lifelong friendship between three girls; Ruth, Lucy and Esther. Each is a world apart from the other two, but together they form a strong and unbreakable bond that will see them through the years ahead, when the happy, carefree days of childhood are nothing but a distant memory...
What readers are saying about In Love and Friendship:
'This book follows three most unlikely friends from different backgrounds, and their journey is a testament to that friendship'
'For anyone who enjoys a Catherine Cookson novel this book is an absolute must. I have read all of Benita Brown's novels and find her style of writing engaging with good plots and characters'
'Five stars'