Created as an infantry school corps to train the Militia, the Royal Canadian Regiment quickly grew to serve the national interest at home and abroad. From its first operational mission in Canada's rugged Northwest to assist in quelling the Riel Rebellion to the harsh veldt of South Africa to help defeat the Boers, Canada's oldest permanent force infantry regiment produced a legacy of courage and professionalism. This proud history was continued in the furnace of both world wars in Europe and shortly thereafter in Korea.
It becomes evident that in its first 70 turbulent years of existence, the Royal Canadian Regiment established a heritage of honour and service to Canada, paid for in the blood, bravery, and tenacity of its members.
Colonel Bernd Horn, an experienced Canadian Forces infantry officer, is currently chief of staff of the Land Forces Development and Training System. Dr. Horn is also an adjunct professor of history at the Royal Military College and has authored, co-authored, or edited 28 books. Some of his recent publications are Fortune Favours the Brave and Show No Fear. He lives in Kingston, Ontario.