Bestest Friends

Β· Hachette UK
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eBook 정보

It's time to go to the School of Roars! Join the monsters for a roarsome day at school.

It's art class at the School of Roars, and the monsters have a fun project to do. But Wufflebump feels left out when his best friend Meepa is partners with Yummble. Miss Grizzlesniff teaches the class about being kind to one another and everyone joining in together.

Brilliantly exploring first experiences and featuring themes of sharing, friendship and problem-solving, this School of Roars story is perfect for little monsters everywhere!

Also available: School of Roars: Show and Tell, School of Roars: Icky Sticky Stickers

평점 및 리뷰

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μ €μž 정보

Pat-a-Cake takes you and your child on a magical journey. From sharing the very first baby book to watching your little one read all by themselves. The adventure begins here...

The little monsters that go to the School of Roars have monster-mazing adventures and explore a super-snufflesome world, guided by their quirky, kind and fun-loving teacher Miss Grizzlesniff. "Wake up monsters and stretch your paws, jump up and go to the School of Roars!"

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