After an overview of security and privacy for big data services as well as cloud computing, this book describes applications of data science for cyber security applications. It also discusses such applications of data science as malware analysis and insider threat detection. Then this book addresses trends in adversarial machine learning and provides solutions to the attacks on the data science techniques. In particular, it discusses some emerging trends in carrying out trustworthy analytics so that the analytics techniques can be secured against malicious attacks. Then it focuses on the privacy threats due to the collection of massive amounts of data and potential solutions. Following a discussion on the integration of services computing, including cloud-based services for secure data science, it looks at applications of secure data science to information sharing and social media.
This book is a useful resource for researchers, software developers, educators, and managers who want to understand both the high level concepts and the technical details on the design and implementation of secure data science-based systems. It can also be used as a reference book for a graduate course in secure data science. Furthermore, this book provides numerous references that would be helpful for the reader to get more details about secure data science.