Developed in light of recent Patristic scholarship, Ad Fontes volumes will provide a representative sampling of key sources from both East and West that illustrate early Christian thought and practice. The series aims to provide volumes that are relevant for a variety of courses, including classes on theology, biblical interpretation, and church history. The goal of each volume is not to be exhaustive, but rather representative enough to denote for a non-specialist audience the multivalent character of early Christian thought, allowing readers to see how and why early Christian doctrine and practice developed the way it did.
Michael Graves is Armerding Professor of Biblical Studies at Wheaton College, where he teaches courses in Hebrew Bible and Old Testament. He has done extensive research in patristic and rabinnic biblical interpretations. His many publications include, The Inspiration and Interpretation of Scripture: What the Early Church Can Teach Us and the translation of Jerome: Commentary on Jeremiah.