A Google user
This book is amazing-- as in the sense of how it's "amazing" that a bumblebee can fly when it's technically impossible, since it's equally impossible that Bill O'Reilly can actually walk and talk and WRITE BOOKS, with absolutely no brain.
He truly proves himself as Lenin's ideal "useful idiot" for the neocon-right... like in the book he praises Jackson as a "great Indian-fighter" and says that some states would have seceded "if Jackson had not been such a tough guy..." nevermind how PRESIDENT Jackson murdered innocent tribes, usurped imperial authority by defying the Supreme Court's orders to stop, revised history to turn the United States from a federal republic into an empire, and passed force-bills to INVADE any state that resisted tyrannical taxes and abominable tariffs. But O'Reilly paints him as a hero-- perhaps Thomas Dilorenzo needs to write Bill a book called "The Real Jackson" and "Jackson Unmasked" (just like he did "The Real Lincoln" and "Lincoln Unmasked") in order to expose the truth of this lionized tyrant: it seems O'Reilly fancies himself some sort of Right-wing Rambo tough-guy, even though he's obviously never shot anything other than with a camera.
Indeed, with all his heavy-breathing lust over Jackson and Lincoln being such an iron-fisted dictators, it sounds like "Darth Bill" wants to build a Death-Star next, clearly believing (or more likely, WISHING) that the United States was founded as an empire to be maitained by force, rather than a voluntary republic of sovereign states... which is why he also praises Lincoln in condoning censorship, torture, reign-of-terror and mass-murder to maintain it against the will of the people of the individual states.
And in that fine tradition, O'Reilly does everything he can to suppress the facts in favor of his brand of idological "useful idiocy," by twisting the truth to the glory of his neocon-fantasy world.
"Pinheads and Patriots" even sounds like "Dungeons & Dragons" for right-wing neocon nerds, i.e. a role-playing fantasy game that takes place in a world that only exists in make-believe, serving as an escape from our own that's just for fun, not to be taken seriously by any sane individual.
But since O'reilly actually BELIEVES this garbage, it's no wonder that FoxNews's ratings are tanking, since even a charlatan like Obama can't drive people to stomach such right-wing drivel.
A Google user
Same ol' same ol' Bill O'Reilly using sad marketing techniques ("I'll send a copy overseas and donate $2 to the wounded warrior project if you buy my book [and put it on the best seller list so my views can be validated]") and spewing the same crap he does on his show. It's one thing to have a viewpoint that opposes someone's political views. It's another to be completely disrespectful in order to make money.