Samuel's life and work have essential features that the Lord wants to pass on to the apostolic leadership that will shortly arise. If we dig deep into Samuel's story, we'll uncover important insights that will help us prepare for this leadership role and minister to the Father's heart. Scripture tells us that when the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus to take up residence within Him, a voice from above confirmed the truth of what had just happened.
2 Corinthians 6:19 An angelic voice proclaimed, "Thou are my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased." Then the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. Similar to the disciples hearing the confirming voice proclaiming Jesus to be God's Son whose words were eternal while seeing the Lord's transfiguration, Apparently, the attesting voice from above indicates that something can be taken for granted as factual. When we have a greater grasp of the apostolic, the more likely it is that we can continue this amazing work without being overwhelmed by its intensity and strength. Praise be to God if we are able to faithfully carry out this important duty with character and honesty.
The Lord did not allow a single word of Samuel's to be lost. What a powerful demonstration of the closeness and trust between the Lord and those in authority over Him! As Samuel matured, the Lord was by his side, and nothing he said was lost.