Biography of lin-manuel miranda

Biographies of Musicians पुस्तक 76 · LibriHouse
एक परीक्षण
रेटिंग आणि परीक्षणे यांची पडताळणी केलेली नाही  अधिक जाणून घ्या

या ई-पुस्तकाविषयी

Lin-Manuel Miranda, the award-winning composer, lyricist, and actor, transformed theater with his innovative storytelling and musical genius. Born in 1980 in New York City, Miranda’s groundbreaking work on Hamilton: An American Musical and In the Heights brought diverse voices and modern music to Broadway. This biography explores his creative process, his cultural impact, and his ability to blend history with hip-hop, earning him numerous accolades, including Tony Awards, Grammys, and a Pulitzer Prize. Beyond the stage, Miranda’s advocacy for education, disaster relief, and representation has furthered his influence. This book celebrates his artistry, vision, and legacy as a transformative figure who redefined modern theater and storytelling.

रेटिंग आणि पुनरावलोकने

एक परीक्षण

या ई-पुस्तकला रेटिंग द्या

तुम्हाला काय वाटते ते आम्हाला सांगा.

वाचन माहिती

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