Nicola Abel-Hirsch is a training and supervising analyst of the British Psychoanalytical Society and works in private practice in London. She has given clinical and theoretical papers and seminars on Bion in the UK; Taiwan (annually 2005–2012); the USA, and Europe. From 2013–2015 she was the visiting professor at the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex. Her publications include Eros (2001); ‘The Life Instinct’, in The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (2010); ‘A Note and a Short Story’, in The Bion Tradition (ed. Levine and Civitarese, 2015); ‘The Devil is in the Detail’, in The Melanie Klein Tradition (ed. Garvey and Long, 2017); and ‘How Bion’s work on thinking throws light on the development of sexuality’, in Psychoanalytic Inquiry (2018). She is the editor of Hanna Segal’s last book, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2007).