We also have classic novels from British mystery author Edgar Wallace and Irish fantasist James Stephens, plus classic science fiction from Randall Garrett, J.F. Bone, and Mark Reinsberg. Good stuff.
Here’s the complete lineup—
Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure:
“Hanged By the Neck Unti…,” by George Wilhite [Michael Bracken Presents short story]
“The Puzzle Palace Perplex,” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery]
“Tethered,” by Marcelle Dubé [Barb Goffman Presents short story]
“Behind a Locked Door,”by Peter DiChellis [short story]
The Just Men of Cordova, by Edgar Wallace [novel]
Science Fiction & Fantasy:
“Free-For-All-Way,” by John Betancourt and Larry Tritten [short story]
“Respectfully Mine,” by Randall Garrett [short story]
“The Missionary,” by J. F. Bone [short story]
“The Satellite-Keeper’s Daughter,” by Mark Reinsberg [short story]
The Demi-Gods, by James Stephens [novel]