The different demigods like Ganesha and Durga that are mentioned in reference to worship of the Lord's abode and associates are the eternal associates of the Lord in Vaikuntha like Visvaksena and others. Therefore they are not like the Ganesha and Durga of the material world. Demigods like Ganesha and Durga born of the material energy are different from them. The illusory, external energy has no jurisdiction in Vaikuntha, so what can be said of qualities like lust and greed?' That is why those forms of Ganesha and others are manifest from the spiritual energy of the Lord. The mundane Durga is a portion of Yogamaya and hence under her control. This spiritual energy, Yogamaya, has engaged Durga of the material world as her maidservant and entrusted her with the service of protecting mantras, not as the predominating deity of service.