Kathrin Tordasi was born in the south of Germany and has been a bookworm since she was little and started making up her own stories when her Dad gave her his old typewriter. She dreamed of becoming an explorer, a pirate or a writer and eventually decided to go for the third option (mostly because she gets horribly seasick). After spending a year in Bangor, Wales, she came up with the idea for a book about a girl who follows a fox into faerie. Bramble Fox was first published in German in 2020, when it won the Goldener B├╝cherpirat Prize 2021 and the F├╝rther Lupe Prize 2021, both voted for by children, and now it has been translated into English . Kathrin lives in Berlin where she can usually be found browsing through local bookshops, writing in caf├йs or exploring the nearby lakes and forests.